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  • Diploma in Naturopathic and Herbal Medicine (Unani Tibb, Greco-Arabic medicine)                                           School: College of Medicine and Healing Arts

  • Rapid Transformation Therapy RTT Practitioner Certificate                                          School:  Tea  Marisa Peer School

  • Functional Nutritionist and Lifestyle Practitioner (FNLP)                                     School: Functional Nutrition Lab

My name is Maria Bachiri and I am a Naturopath specialized in Greco-Arabic medicine (Tibb) and a Functional Nutritionist and an rapid transformation practitionner (RTTP). 

At 17, after hospitalization in  psychiatry, the doctor told me that I would never recover all of my cerebral capacities. Driven by a strong determination, I was determined to find solutions. Since then, neuroscience fascinates me and I endlessly continue to pursue trainings by the best mentors in the field. 

  I suffered for a long time from inexplicable fatigue, anxiety, and episodies of depression during my teenage years.


I know the pain of these states and that is why I am so passionate about helping you, to thrive in life, because I know it is available to you too. 

I can't really say how or why my passion for natural medecine came to me. I was in me.  Some say I inherited it from my paternal grandfather who also practiced Greco-Arabic medicine in his village.

He was an exceptional man whom I unfortunately did not have the privilege of knowing; he passed away when I was just one year old.  I like to believe that this passion for natural medicine comes from him.

I was preparing a scientific baccalaureate to enter pharmacy college so that I could then specialize in herbal medecine. 

Things Fall Apart

  The events  didn't go as planned...

About three months before passing my baccalaureate, I had  a kind of "delirious puff". It's a kind of psychosis.  

I was hospitalized in psychiatry for a month. It was fifteen years ago, and yet I remember certain things as if it were yesterday.

This episode changed my life and my perception of it.

My doctor warned me  that I would probably never recover all of my cerebral capacities, that I would function at best at 80%.

I am privileged to have a strong determination. I had decided that those numbers would not apply to me. I would achieve my dreams and my brain would reach its potential. 

I entered pharmacy college as planned. I was learning in detail how the cell works, but something didn't ring true.

  I knew there was something more fundamental that I had to learn first and decided not to continue down this path.

The encounter

I finally discovered Greco-Arabic medicine. It was the beginning of my healing journey.

A journey where we learn to forgive ourselves for not having been, we believe, strong enough.

I discovered with amazement and fascination how our diet and lifestyle could affect the functioning of our brain. I had promised myself to try to understand what had happened to me, to understand why my brain had betrayed me. Finally I was beginning to understand.

I like to use the metaphor of a door being opened onto a vast and infinitely expansive field of light.

I finally saw the timid beginning of this light.

Other trainings followed that helped me further in my healing journey. Trauma healing has been a fundamental next step. 

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