Find joy, harmony, deep CONNECTION with your child.
Stop yelling all the time....
No longer wake up in the morning with a lump in your stomach or the fear of what awaits you with your child...
Find the PLEASURE of being together...
Help your child develop emotional RESILIENCE and open up to their potential.
This scenario may seem too good to be true, but I firmly believe that it is accessible to EVERY family, including yours. It doesn't matter what situation you are in.
No matter the break in your relationship, there is always HOPE to find thecalm, thepeaceand thehappiness.
You have already read many books,
Following many tips, therapies or training
But nothing changes permanently
It's not your fault, you're doing your best and so is your child.
No one prepares us for the difficulties of parenthood, especially when the child presents particularities(sensory disorder, behavioral disorder, developmental delay, trauma, etc.) .
Yet it is our most fundamental task.
There is nothing more painful than feelingresentment, fromdespairorincapacity when it comes to your parent ID.
I know it as well as you, I went through it too; wondering sometimes, in my darkest moments, why on earth I chose to be a parent if it was to see myself fail so miserably.
Maybe you havethe impression that your child is ruining your lifebecause it behaves in a waydestructive or dangerousand you feel scared or out of control.
Or you just can't understand your child or how to interact with them without feeling rejected or misunderstood.
You may have come to a point where you no longer find pleasure or joy (or too seldom) in the company of your child.
I created this community to help you regain confidence and hope by guiding you to new ideas and techniques based onlatest research in neuroscience, neurobiology, psychological development and theories of trauma and attachment.
And above all, I want to guide you towards this place in yourself that someare calling instinct or intuition. A deepconnection with yourself will help you access your intuition to better connect with your child, read their non-verbal signals and understand their needs.
Don't be alone in your distress
Studies show that in community we heal faster, we recover more quickly and we collectively find hope.
Mutual aid, support, empathy, presence are the vehicles of change.
Only when the child truly feelsconnected to himself and his loved onesthat itslearning skills, empathy and curiositycan bedevelopto its potential.

I am Maria Bachiri, mother of 3 children, naturopath specialized in Greco-Arabic medicine, functional nutritionist, parenting coach, hypnotherapist, and practitioner in rapid transformation therapy._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Behavioral disorders in children fascinate me because I have been confronted with them with my children.
I followed the "classic" techniques which only made the situation worse, until I started to listen to my instincts which guided me towards more child-friendly holistic therapies.
This path has taken me years and I am still learning.
I want to share it with you today, save you time, and teach you what actually WORKS.
I have developed a unique program which is a synthesis of my various training, numerous readings and my personal and professional experience, and which gives REAL RESULTS, lasting!
What is it about
- 2 sessions of 90 minutes Live with me on Zoom (recording available).
- In Live session, a subject discussed, discussions, questions and exchanges, des somatic experiences, meditation.
- The sessions will be very interactive, you will have plenty of opportunity to ask your questions.
- A private Facebook group to find parents like you to support each other, ask your questions. I will be active on this group to answer your questions.
- You get 10% off for individual sessions and on all packages.
- BONUS LESSON: Pre-recorded video lesson on the effects of sugar on children's health and behavior + Delicious healthy recipes tested and approved by children + Lesson summary + PDF on healthy sugar alternatives, the differences and how to use them+ video lessons to learn how to read labels and unmask hidden sugars. COURSE VALUE €70 for you for free if you join the community. (accessible 2 months after the start of your subscription)
* Recording of sessions and classes will be available to view online as a member.
Etape 1
Développement et maturité
Les émotions
Fenêtre de tolérance
Les sensibilités
Comprendre l’agressivité
BONUS 1 : Les 4 types attachements
BONUS 2 : Les 4 tempéraments
Etape 2
Comprendre votre style d’attachement et votre tempérament.
Comprendre comment votre histoire impact votre parentalité et votre fenêtre de tolérance.
Comprendre pourquoi le comportement de votre enfant peut réveiller en vous des blessures très anciennes.
Mieux réguler vos émotions et étendre votre fenêtre de tolérance(avec l’application de la théorie polyvagal, exercices somatiques, méditation)
Cultiver la compassion de soi.
Etape 3
Comment renforcer l’attachement sécure.
Faciliter la communication parent-enfant avec le modèle PACE pour améliorer la connexion et l'entente.
Comprendre les causes sous-jacentes du comportement.
Renouer les liens et appliquer la co-régulation
L'importance du jeu avec des visionnage de jeux thérapeutique.
L'importance de la communication non verbale (expressions, ton, rythme, posture, gestuel
Etape 4
Rythme et Routine
L'importance de structurer l'environnement
Simplifier et Filtrer
Voir l’impact de l’environnement extérieur
Les effets de l’alimentation, sommeil et autre mode de vie (de façon sommaire).
Etape 5
Comment vous positionner en tant qu’autorité parental
Comprendre pourquoi les disciplines basées sur la séparation et l’isolement sont nuisibles et quoi faire à la place.
Comment appliquer une discipline basée sur l’attachement et le développement.
Quoi faire quand mon enfant fait tel ou tel chose
Exemples et situations de cas
Community Starts September 9
2 Fridays per month at 9:30 a.m. (UTC+2)
If you have any questions about the community send me an email at
You canread here my testimonials
How can I cancel my subscription?If you choose a monthly subscription you can cancel whenever you want, you will only be charged for the current month. Send me an email at to proceed with the cancellation. You have a free trial period. If you do not wish to continue, before the end of your trial period send me an email to cancel your subscription.
Does this program look like positive/caring parenting?This program is inspired by several disciplines, methods and techniques including positive and caring parenting. However the general theme of this program is attachment and deep connection with yourself and your child. Because from that will be born in you your instinct of parent. You will know within yourself how to act, what your child needs, what he is trying to communicate to you through his behavior.
What if I can't attend Live sessions?No worries! There will be a replay available. You can even send your questions in advance to my mailbox, I will answer them during the Live whether you are present or absent.
What are the live sessions?Live sessions will take place on the online platform on Zoom, it's in real time with me and you. For the exchange to be as friendly as possible, you will be invited to put on your camera (if you wish) and to speak directly as if we were in a face-to-face meeting. There will be a theoretical part (not too much) and exercises such as somatic experience, meditation, visualization, exchanges together, questions and sharing of experience. It will be a very interactive experience.
Is the program suitable for neuroatypical children (ADD/H, autism, TOP, hypersensitive etc)Yes absolutely because the main theme is how to strengthen your attachment and your relationship. The more the child feels connected and understood by you, and the more you know how to practice self-regulation and read their non-verbal cues to meet their needs, the more their brain will be open to further learning and further intervention. The foundations must be very solid to better awaken your child's potential.

Si vous n'êtes pas entièrement satisfait du programme, vous pouvez être remboursé sous 2 semaines à compter du début du programme. Faite votre demande à
Le prix du programme ne reflète pas sa valeur. J'ai voulu créer un programme le plus accessible possible aux familles.